Keith Jones

Las Palmas, In a House No Longer There

the central strategy of the system is the colonization of desire.
— Sylvia Wynter


dis appearing island  I stole my babies

replanted them
in me

to garner this body without chains wild 

where some new something is where some
new venue is  I kept fortresses in angles in 

bodyclocks in midafternoonsky horizontal 

where I dreamt 

of you  “Que Dios te bendiga” 


evicted myself 

who I was   grew thick  

dissolving   boundary’s 

strata    & all alarm

indigo’s treatise  taught me

how to insist  a body as a home

of being


I who I is  in pass

ing   swept   granule of

sugarcane  & mango

the dream you held

“first holy communion”

the dresses inside

is whitening

one for your four

blessings  abuela, you who were once

daughter  un nationed  

	walked with at all hours of

	skyward  afterlife of 

edges pressed & laced 

in transit 


on stairs  I recompense  notknowing 
you   in what language do I say 

pretend?  in what language do I say wherewerewe
& whoare Imean howareyou

here  mami?  tía y tíos y

how many arrivals  of errant eyes 
& wombs     if origin

then water   were the tears 
of my birth


opaquely gleaned    the wash to story a mirroring
“I’d like to return her whole this way”

however un done  the scream 
or bloodied 		ex
pel       de lay      de

tour      the child  dis comfited     you who were once blond
& made to be    your person whittled into
a tiny box
avowed & ripped from island light
land not land   but whisper


continent   they dangled  from

you saw your body      whither

tipped in brine    & root crop

the 1980s    were lavish cruel

junta     death     old colony

sky fugitive    ocean fugitive 

the moon  in place    as place

mythed       her mother’s milk

into origins    lost at church
Sunday’s school of      arrows

we who were englished      in
grammars & metaphors      hija

willed her gift dis islanded r

ipped    root torn  continuums

was breach was covenant     un

wieldy in their fray  the news

coveredup  as  woman  as child

as daughter was  gash of light

was broken limb    was mother

love       planted       in silence

                                         para mi madre, mi tía, mis hermanas, y mi abuela

Shores of Appearance’s Gown 

after for with Wangechi Mutu


etched   breach    
beyond dis cord      
antic gown    
thousand times 


bird-skein penumbra  
wings stretched   
riveringly   like limbs 
in flux


sharp etymology    
ruin’s mirage
I carry phenomena  inside  
the opening


in scissor       in split-
infinitive    places 
beneath resemblance   


break shores of histories   
of others beside where 
we once were   
had coiled us


we who were   un named   
un made   spoken of     
drawn into   adrift 
solar  weave


edgeless dimensions      
un tether   trope   leap   fray     
lathed sleek sumptuous 


I’d clay to common gods, she says   
I’d ripple the courtyard  
landmass omen Orisha ritual
we braid   & scale


fortune to basket of bone     
viewer   hillside    
I’d painted an eye      in the place    
of your being


where tendencies brush   
womb patinaed  torso a ligament  
a ligature  where planets kiss  suture   
plentitude’s  if