Issue 53 – Fade to Black: Isaac Julien’s cinema of desire

african art

Title: Fade to Black: Isaac Julien’s cinema of desire
Year: 1991
Issue: 53
Cover image: British filmmaker Isaac Julien


Of Culture, Commitment, and Construction: Reflections on African Literature — You claim to be the voice of the voiceless only to hear the shrill cries of the voiceless telling you to shut up. But such-at least according to this Nigerian novelist and critic-are the pleasures and pains of being an African writer today. Femi Ojo-Ade  


Where Liberalism Stands — Anita Allen analyzes the feud between old-fashioned legal liberals and a new breed of legal leftists-and wishes a pax on both their houses. 

The Contradictions of Cultural Studies — Benita Parry fingers the fissure of a house divided. 

Burning Issues — Timothy C. Weiskel warns that the protection of the rainforests cannot be guaranteed by the populist politics of “empowerment.” 

Anthropology Against Time — Johannes Fabian explains why his colleagues seldom have time on their hands.  

Letters of Reference — V. Y. Mudimbe pronounces on the troubled marriage of literature and anthropology. 

The Unkindness of Strangers — Julius Lester argues that “color-blind” liberals may be just plain blind. 

Disorderly Woman — Feminist political theory is in a state of disorder, and Judith Butler wouldn’t want it any other way. 

Dr. Schweitzer’s Racism — Ali Mazrui, himself a Schweitzer Professor of the Humanities, relates his difficulties with the good doctor’s Life and Thought. 

In the Realm of the Censors — Ernest Larsen inspects the forces arrayed against the new multicultural art: the state censor, the market censor, and the self censor. 

Cameras in Arms — Jose Piedra focuses on documentary filmmaking in Latin America. 

Territories of the National Imagination: Intifada Observed — Through the spate of recent books on the subject, Ella Shohat explores the intifada as a war of representations. 

Lebanon Agonistes — Jean Said Makdisi reflects on a chronicle of devastation. 


Tailoring Democracy — Michael Dummett recommends voting procedures for a democratic South Africa. 

Kenyatta and Mau Mau — Atieno Odhiambo reviews the debates over the Mau Mau War. 

Narrow Margin — Lawrence Chua on Asian cinema as flavor of the month. 

Jumbled Mirrors — Doris Sommer views the shifting kaleidoscope Hispanic women’s writing. 

Democracy in Question — Renee Green votes on Group Materials’ “Democracy Project. ” 


States of Desire — Cultural critic Bell Hooks and filmmaker Isaac Julien discuss the dangerous liaisons of eros and identity.