
african art

Zama Madinana 

we sunbathe our hopes 

at traffic lights 

we are all zama-zama here 

we dig & drill 

our chances  

we are all here 

with our genocidal scars 

tutsi & hutu 

we seek for warmth 

between the great rocks 

of the drakensberg mountain 

we all here to wash  

our wounds  

from the healing waters  

of uthukela 

we are all here  

bathed in grey dust 

of johannesburg’s deserted  


we are all here  

with our tattered  



the dance floors 

of hillbrow brothels  

with our big bums  

we are all here  

with no passport 

no id 

& no asylum  


here in ladysmith 

rifles cough out 


waves of fire  

coffins befriend  

the weekends 

o, taxi wars that never end 

& taverns  

are homes of violence  

here in ladysmith  

whoonga addicts  

ravage & mutilate  

grannies’ private parts