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In 1968, the New York Times called Transition “Africa’s slickest, sprightliest, and occasionally sexiest magazine.” In 1992, just after the magazine came to the US, Susan Sontag selected two essays from Transition for inclusion in Best Americans Essays. “Only two?” quipped Henry Louis Gates. Jr. in an article for Harvard Magazine, heralding the resurrection of the historic magazine.

Penniman in a field


Leah Penniman Wins a Pushcart Prize for “Black Land Matters: Climate Solutions in Black Agrarianism”

Leah Penniman’s essay “Black Land Matters: Climate Solutions in Black Agrarianism,” featured in T133 CLIMATE, was selected to appear in PUSHCART PRIZE XLVIII, the 2024 Edition, which will be published in December, 2023 and distributed by WW Norton Co. Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm received the added honor of serving as a contributing editor on all future Pushcart Prize Editions.

Leah Penniman is a Black Kreyol farmer, author, mother, and food justice activist who has been tending the soil and organizing for an anti-racist food system for 25 years. She currently serves as founding co-ED and Farm Director of Soul Fire Farm in Grafton, New York, a Black & Brown led project that works toward food and land justice. Her books are Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land (2018) and Black Earth Wisdom: Soulful Conversations with Black Environmentalists (2023).

For the Contributors